Hanging With JoeJoe the Capybara

samedi 28 février 2015

When we last checked in with JoeJoe the Capybara, he was wolfing down popsicles and cavorting with puppies . Naturally. When you've got the capycharisma that JoeJoe has, the sky's the limit in terms of daily activities.

For instance, why not hop in a cart and browse through Pet Smart? Pups and kitties are a dime a dozen there. Joe Joe is an official Pet Smart Star!

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There's nothing like taking time out to have a long, feline-chaperoned nap. Then waking up with a major case of capybedhead.

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..and when JoeJoe needs a back scratch, there's nothing like a puppy to assist.


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As good looking as JoeJoe is, it's no wonder that he gets all the chicks!

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Hanging With JoeJoe the Capybara

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