Say "Hello" to the World's Most Photographed Tarantula

vendredi 27 mars 2015

Pandora is a tarantula. She is also a model. Those two factors aren't coincidence. Pandora's owner was once afraid of spiders but eventually not only overcame her fear, but also came to love the creatures and adopt dozens of them as pets.

In an effort to get others to overcome their fear of spiders and hopefully come to love the creatures, she started taking pictures of her pets. She soon discovered that Pandora was a perfect model and in the process started posting delightful photos of her baby on Facebook and Tumblr.

Of course, if you're terrified of spiders, it's hard to say if some of her horror-themed shoots will really help, but at least they'll let you see the creatures in an entirely new light.

Say "Hello" to the World's Most Photographed Tarantula

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