Parents Share The Most Inappropriate Thing Their Kids Ever Did

dimanche 24 mai 2015

Image: Ibensis 

When it comes to a topic such as children saying things and behaving in ways that are inappropriate, the article simply writes itself. So BuzzFeed found when they asked their community of readers to share what the most inappropriate things their kids ever did. The following quotes are a sample of the responses they received. See all of the responseshere 

“We were getting ready to leave a birthday party and went up to the mother of the birthday child to thank her for inviting us. My 2-year-old son slapped her butt and said, ‘Thanks for the cake, babe.’ That’s how his father thanks me for dinner and apparently he thought it was just how you thank people for food.”

—Tracy Mattea Grimes, Facebook7

“After my son learned what made boys and girls different, he started introducing himself to random people thusly: ‘Hi, I’m John, and I do NOT have a vagina.’” 


“My mom says that when I was little we were waiting for a train when a group of nuns sat down on the bench opposite us. I pointed at them and screamed, ‘Mommy! Look at the witches!! Look Mommy!! Witches!!!’”

—Laura Adler, Facebook

“My 3-year-old son told an older lady at the hair salon that he had a big penis.”


Parents Share The Most Inappropriate Thing Their Kids Ever Did

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