The 18 Best Fantasy Movies of the 1980s

mardi 3 mars 2015

(Image: Columbia Pictures)

The 1980s was a glorious time for cinema. Audiences could swoon over soaring science fiction epics like Dune and Return of the Jedi. It was also a high time for fantasy film making. Leah Schnelbach of Tor has ranked 18 of them . They include some of my favorites of the genre, including Krull , Conan the Barbarian , and The Beastmaster .

Krull is a sadly neglected work that has not received the attention that it deserves. It is not a truly great movie, but it is consistently entertaining. I became enamored of it in my youth. By the time I was 16, I had watched it so many times that I could recite the dialogue from memory.

What movies on the list do you like? Are there any films you would add to it?

The 18 Best Fantasy Movies of the 1980s

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