A Deadly Adoption: Joke or Double Joke?

jeudi 2 avril 2015

If you were going to film a silly and implausible Lifetime movie to be aired in the summer, would you announce it on April Fools Day? Would you also claim that the project was secret until that announcement? Could you get The Hollywood Reporter , Entertainment Weekly, the A.V. Club, and other entertainment media outlets to announce it, starting with “This is no April Fools' joke”?

If you were Will Ferrell or Kristen Wiig, you might be able to pull off an April Fools joke like that. Or it could be a genius timing move for a real movie that we’d never pay attention to otherwise. The two say they “secretly” filmed the parody TV movie A Deadly Adoption set to air this summer in celebration of Lifetime’s 25th anniversary of bringing us cheesy TV movies. We will only know for sure when enough time passes. Who knows? There have been cases before in which an April Fool's joke turned out to be so popular that the jokesters had to scramble to make it real. -via Uproxx

(Image credit: NBC/Universal)

A Deadly Adoption: Joke or Double Joke?

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