Seven Of The Most Bizarre Games Nintendo Almost Released

mercredi 1 avril 2015

Nintendo has created their own signature brand of strange during their thirty plus years in the video game business, and yet even they have cancelled games because they were just too strange to sell.

Games like Donkey Kong's Fun With Music and Super Mario Spikers had all the right faces, and yet they didn't properly fit into the mainstream Nintendo universe, deemed too weird to sell.

And then there's Mike Tyson's Intergalactic Power Punch, a game that sounds like a great follow up on paper but actually stunk worse than Venusian slime when playtested. It's a shame Intergalactic Power Punch never got off the ground, because we finally could have played as Tyson!

(YouTube Link)

Read more about The 7 Most Bizarre Games Nintendo Almost Released over at Gamma Squad

Seven Of The Most Bizarre Games Nintendo Almost Released

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