A Disney Princess For Every Stage Of Your Life

jeudi 21 mai 2015

Disney princesses may not be the best role models for young folks, and they might not be the golden goddesses of morality they’re made out to be, but they do one thing really well- represent different stages of our lives.

From the early days of wide eyed babyhood to the jaded, cynical thirtysomething years of drudgery and boredom, there's a Disney princesses that accurately represents every stage of our lives, at least according to cartoonist Paul Westover.

As someone who learned the joys of hermitizing in my thirties I definitely relate to Elsa, and even though I don't have power over the cold my fridge has a built in ice maker!

See A Disney Princess For Every Stage Of Your Life at College Humor

A Disney Princess For Every Stage Of Your Life

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